Tuesday, February 16, 2010

IFPD Interim Chief

Last night, the Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) commission selected Capt. Mike Mulhall to be the interim fire chief until a permanent replacement for recently retired Chief Steve Kunkle is selected.

The commission also said it would be announcing the vacancy and using normal fire chief chanels (such as journals) to solicit applicants.

Mulhall is a 25-year IFPD veteran. He has served as chief during his tenure and most recently was the district's training officer.

The meeting began with several citizens offering their suggestions to the Commission. For example, Commissioner Dr. "Sweetie" Schelly's wife, Leslie, urged them to consider a person who would work with the staff, understand the district's financial issues and care for its equipment.

Pine Cove resident Jeff Smith suggested the commission postpone the decision until it could discuss its options with riverside County Fire Chief John Hawkins and Hemet Fire Chief Matt Shobert.

And Nancy Borchers of Pine Cove reminded the commission that Pine Cove supports the ambulance contract through its payments and hoped the commission would select an individual who would support the contract with adequately trained and capable staff.

Stay tuned later today to see or hear about the agenda for IFPD's special meeting scheduled for 5:30 pm, tomorrow, Feb. 17 at the fire station.


  1. Congratulations to Interim Fire Chief Mike Mulhall.

    Do we get to know how the vote went among the board members for Capt. Mulhall's appointment as Interim Fire Chief? Or is that not made public because it was done in executive session?

  2. It was unanimous 5-0. I should have included that in the original posting. I apologize.


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